- The new design sharing dialog:
Why we suggest our users share they designs, because we believe help each other before help yourself. Many users shared they designs on our template lib and use our web apps for totally free. We updated the sharing dialog, you can add a new template or replace a template that you shared before.
ps: If you don’t want to share your design before export, you can update to our premium account.
- Add export to PDF and print function:
When you export, choose SVG, PDF, PNG or JPEG.
- Freehand point multi-select and operation.

- Click edit button for text show convert to outlines tips:
You can right click on the text, and choose “convert text to path” option. But now, you also can just click “edit” button, then you will get a dialog, click ok to convert to point path and edit them. ps: if you just want to change text, select text and press “Enter” or “Return” key.
YouiDraw.com Release Notes:
1. fix time is not suit or error in firefox and safari
2. painter: fix bug of rect does not hide when use pen
3. add custom cursor, when select tool
1. fix import large svg can’t save and open file
2. show context menu when edit shape, remove pt, close shape,convert bezier
1. erase every thing in current layer, try fix crush bug
2. fix hard to select only has stroke shape, like line,arc..
1. check project when share it, no content show on canvas can’t be shared.
2. add download browser icon.
1. show rotate, position, size data when drag in canvas
1. new file in specify folder from google drive
2. add save as function
3. add replace share function
find inner shadow export bug(chrome bug), fix it
1. fix fill pattern bugs and fill dialog function.
2. set export jpeg image quality
3. add more setting to grid
4. when scale canvas (drag freehand point) need scale some appropriate,add line to rotate point
1. update share file dialog, need input name, select type.
2. add home page, user guide link to apps
1. fix design bug of shape combine. fix bug of divide.
1. fix can’t drag shape to canvas bug
2. add export to PDF and print function
3. start app, when log in success, click Ok button to continue
4. add project preview page.
1. freehand point multi-select and operation.
2. add rename item to context menu
3. Press ctrl+R and Return key to rename and edit and end edit
4. click edit button for text show convert to outlines tips.