Release Notes


1.add login with email function.
2.project file can save to youidraw drive.


1.fix a bug of can’t export multi-layer SVG file.
2.change drive icon.

2015.2.11 multiple nodes when press shift key, support arrow key select(up,down..)
2.fix node layer change bug when group/ungroup,union/subtract.


1.fix maximum is 100(up to 1000) files when show google drive.
2.fix some project can’t open after save(long length number can’t open after compress it).
3.fix bug of open from google drive don’t have waiting screen.
4.fix set group color/border bugs.
5.fix close all projects UI issue.


1.change canvas size by project setting
2.fix bug of align node function does not work
3.refresh file list after save, save as, when reopen file dialog.
4.add shot cut of save as press ctrl/cmd+shift+s.

2015.1.5 font bold,italic,underline, line through when export image.
2.add variants option of font.
3.set ‘Arial’ as default font
4.add more more(200+ ) google fonts.
5.fix can’t sign in bug(sign window was blocked when save).
6.fix bug of can’t save file sometimes.


1.add paypal subscription. tip when fail to open file  from google drive.
3.fix auto login bug.
4.fix user’s information wasn’t update bug.


1.add google font ‘Forum.ttf’ etc.
2.add sign, loading, saving, waiting screen.
3.add modified state on toolbar tab.
4.add open and download file in local device function.

2014.11.20 files can order by time and name. empty space to clear current select node.


1.add sign in with Dropbox, Microsoft and Facebook.
2.add save and open file from Dropbox and local device.
3.change file extension name, .yid to .ydr, .yil to .ylc.
4.popup a window to save when export file.


1.fix use keyboard to change node position does not work.
2.remove some unnecessary scroll-bar in export and drive-file dialog.
3.change save tip when close a project, now have three buttons to choose.
4.fix sometimes when opened app closed, Start now button does not work.
5.don’t support IE.


1.export entire always have a background.
2.remove watermark when preview export image.
3.reduce area of watermark.


1. Fixed text position incorrect after google font loaded.
2. Fixed web font does not work when use https.
3. Fixed text position incorrect when edit it.


1. Changed stroke width range to 0.1 ~ 50.
2. Fixed bug when cancel select font file in import text path function.
3. Fixed IE has bug in export, content disappear.


1. Shape flip(h & v), when drag it.
2. Added horizontal and vertical flip button.
3. Enter to change group size, optimize drag operation.
4. Optimized align grid function.
5. Fixed group undo position incorrect.


1. Fixed bold italic status of text bug.
2. Invoice display issue when have discount.
3. Fixed account information incorrect after paid.
4. Added manage google drive button.
5. Resize fullscreen dialog when window size changed.
6. Fixed alpha of color and gradient bug.


1. Fixed web-font export does not work when export png.
2. Fixed some time save project to google drive failed bug.


1. Fixed current drive folder change when press key/up when edit node position.
2. Changed project thumbnail to png with transparency.


1. Free user added watermark when export.
2. Fixed some bug of Insert SVG function.
3. Fix group’s children can’t copy bug.


1. Added copy, paste to context menu.
2. Prevent copy fill pattern when add new node.
3. Added Insert Image in file menu.
3. Fixed drawing toolbox pattern button size bug
4. Fixed a bug of can’t export image pattern.


1. Fixed menu does not work after use google translate.

2014. 8.7

1. Fixed color dialog is invisible,let it moveable.
2. Added lock, visible button on node tree and node list.


1. Freehand point support multi-select and operation.
2. Add rename item to context menu
3. Press ctrl+R and Return key to rename and edit and end edit
4. Click edit button for text show convert to outlines tips.
5. Auto calculate price when use coupon code
2. Show account type in account information dialog


1. Fixed can’t drag shape to canvas bug
2. Added export to PDF and print function
3. Start app, when log in success, click Ok button to continue
4. Add project preview page.


1. Fixed design bug of shape combine. fix bug of divide.


1. Updated share file dialog, need input name, select type.
2. Added home page, user guide link to apps


1. Fixed fill pattern bugs and fill dialog function.
2. Set export jpeg image quality
3. Added more setting to grid
4. When scale canvas (drag freehand point) need scale some appropriate,add line to rotate point


1. Find inner shadow export bug(chrome bug), fix it


1. New file in specify fodder from google drive
2. Add save as function
3. Add replace share function


1. Show rotate,position,size data when drag in canvas


1. Check project when share it, no content show on canvas can’t be shared.
2. Added download browser icon.


1. Erase every thing in current layer, try fix crush bug.
2. Fixed hard to select only has stroke shape, like line, arc..


1. Fix import large svg can’t save and open file
2. Show context menu when edit shape, remove pt, close shape,convert bezier


1. Fixed time is not suit or error in firefox and safari
2. Painter: fixed bug of rect does not hide when use pen
3. Added custom cursor, when select tool


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